New CENTRalities in INdustrial areas as engines for inNOvation and urban transformation

CENTRINNO is a four-year research project focused on industrial historical sites undergoing transformation. It will showcase the potential of these historic areas to become part of a new industrial revolution that puts citizens at the core of a sustainable transformation. Leveraging the potential of underutilised historic spaces to become creative production and manufacturing hubs, Centrinno envisions sustainable and inclusive futures for the city and its residents. CENTRINNO will test and assess innovative strategies, approaches and solutions for urban regeneration processes in nine European cities. Action research at the neighbourhood level, the project will adopt the principles of circular economy in new urban transformation processes of industrial historic sites into productive and creative hubs.

CENTRINNO is built upon a unique and highly experienced consortium of 26 partners from 8 EU member states (Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain) and 2 Associated countries (Iceland and Switzerland). The project is coordinated by Comune di Milano and supported in the scientific and technical coordination by IAAC.