CONECT-e Compartiendo el Conocimiento Ecológico Local

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  • Conect-e

CONECT-e Compartiendo el Conocimiento Ecológico Local

CONECT-e is an interactive platform for collecting and transmitting traditional knowledge related to plants, animals, fungi, traditional crop varieties, ecosystem management, climate change indicators and adaptation measures. This platform aims not only to be a place of consultation, but also a space for meeting and exchange. The CONECT-e platform has a wiki format: anyone can register and share through the web the traditional knowledge and practices they have learnt from their elders by talking to them or seeing how they applied their know-how on a day-to-day basis . Traditional ecological knowledge (CET) includes knowledge, beliefs and traditions related to the relationships between human beings and their environment, which have been developed by a community over time from their experience, which are adapted to their culture and the local environment. This knowledge is transmitted from one generation to another and dynamic, which means changing over time and adapting to new circumstances.

The importance of TEK for biodiversity conservation of and ecosystem management means that there is increasing interest in preserving, maintaining and promoting this knowledge. Similarly, CET has been studied for several decades for its importance in the study of climate change and the search for adaptation measures. These communities have developed a close relationship with the environment on which they depend, allowing them to perceive small changes in the climatic, physical and biological systems, relating them to the repercussions generated in their sociocultural systems.