George Washington's Trip to the Society of the Cincinnati, 1784

George Washington's Trip to the Society of the Cincinnati, 1784

George Washington's Trip to the Society of the Cincinnati, 1784

This project uses the StoryMapJS tool to visually illustrate the robust information that can be found within financial accounting records. While they may be tedious to parse through, single and double entry bookkeeping records often contain rich information that can supplement traditional correspondence. Using a financial document from the Library of Congress, this story map illustrates the stops and general path George Washington made during his trip to the Society of the Cincinnati in 1784. Details of the taverns he visited and his associated expenses have been supplied by the historical account book and supplemented by the detailed index of the Papers of George Washington.

The use of the StoryMapJS tool allowed for the creation of a visually striking project that could be accessed by individuals on both computers and mobile devices. This allowed for a larger target audience that included middle and high schoolers, as well as those interested in both Early American and Accounting history.