Humanities for Change. A network for the future of the humanities

Humanities for Change. A network for the future of the humanities

Humanities for Change. A network for the future of the humanities

Humanities for Change is an international network of students and young scholars who are committed to establishing a different role for the humanistic disciplines in the present time. Its publication activities are concentrated on certain fundamental themes, such as: the digital and public humanities, innovative professional opportunities for graduates of this field, the reflection on innovations in the didactic environment and the potential derived from the collaboration with hard sciences. The network does not propose specific contents on the humanities itself, but aims at reflecting in a metadisciplinary way about the conditions through which this knowledge can survive and still play an important role in the next decades. For this reason, Humanities for Change does not exclusively address to experts, but aim to reach a much wider and heterogeneous audience by using different dissemination channels (social networks, blog articles, journal essays, interviews, conferences, lectures). The ultimate goal is to redefine the role of humanitistic knowledge in the social context in order to transform a culture considered to be an end to itself into an instrument of practical action and an essential prerequisite for a democratic society.