Inclusive City Museum: “Beteiligen – nicht behindern”

Inclusive Museum

Inclusive City Museum: “Beteiligen – nicht behindern”

The aim of the project was the development of creative and inclusive offers, which would make the museum more easily accessible to all people, including persons with disabilities. New and innovative methods of presentation and participation were field-tested with and for people with disabilties. Explorations of the museum, a diverse range of participative events for groups of nearly every age and a variety of art-focused events were used as a kickoff. Within the frame of the previous workshop “Rüsselsheim anders bauen“ (Build Rüsselsheim differently), a walkable sculpture of the city scape was created in the museum, designed on the basis of ideas proposed by the participants. How do  people with disabilities see the city? How well are their needs accounted for and how constricted do they feel? An inclusive theatre pedagogy museum project concerned itself with various topics and found new ways of expressing and accessing the exhibits in the museum.

Together with experienced illustrators from the local area, the participants of the inclusive workshop “Urban sketching” discovered new ways of perceiving the city. Inclusive holiday actions invited children and teenagers to a fantastic and fun construction. A  group of experts with disabilities took a look at the exhibits in the museum  to initiate further offers to the disabled community. A conference was organized by the City and Industry Museum in cooperation with the Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel. All results were presented and discussed on this occasion with professionals in the area of museology and special education needs. A book volume was subsequently produced, detailing the experiences, the discussions and the conference altogether: Bärbel Maul, Cornelia Röhlke (Hrsg.): Museum und Inklusion. Kreative Wege zu kultureller Teilhabe, Bielefeld 2019.