RE-designing Access to Cultural Heritage for a wider participation in preservation, (re-)use and management of European culture

In the context of radical social changes taking place at global levels, Europe faces the need for its citizens to live together in peace and mutual respect and to value and enjoy the diversities, which they bring to their respective societies. In this light, Cultural Heritage (CH) plays an important role in contributing to social integration in Europe.

The act of reflection is a crucial part of establishing our identities, of managing the conduct of our daily lives as social beings and hence of building a society which is inclusive and integrated. CH is a vital element in this reflective process: it is an instrument for exploring questions of identity and for overcoming barriers to mutual understanding and tolerance.

However, the role of CH as a tool for integration is often a contested one, with arguments for economic value opposing those for intrinsic value; or with arguments for localism challenging those for pan-national ‘Europeanisation’, for example.

A full and detailed picture of the range, type and impact of participatory methodologies, current and future, associated with culture and CH, can enhance its potential for social good.

The REACH social platform makes available tools and instruments to trigger the debate on how participatory approaches can contribute to develop a common horizon of understanding. Furthermore, participatory approaches are expected to contribute to a deeper engagement of civil society in the research and establishment of innovation processes in the CH sector.